Wednesday 16 March 2016


Marriage is a life-time commitment and when you have finally made up your mind to walk that road with your better half, do make sure she is not one of the types of women listed below unless you want to regret for ever.

1) The Career woman
Over the years we have had women take over the jobs of men with the cliché "what ever a man can do, a woman can do better" as their foot stool to this progress. But some women take it too far by putting their ambition ahead of every other thing. A Man would wonder who would do the womanly chores in the house if his wife is all about her work and it's heights.

2) The Stubborn Woman
Some ladies just would never take an opinion of another person. Which ever way you try to correct them, it would be like pouring water into a basket. They tend to do whatever is their wish. Men should be careful of such women.

3) The Woman Of status
Some women want to always have the best things out of life, even if it is at the cost of another. All they think are Cars ,Shoes, jewels, hand bags and many other materialistic things and have little or no concern about other things. Their obsession for materials have put them in this list of ladies men should be careful of.

4) The Notice Me Woman
You tend to notice this types mostly in churches. They are in choir, usher, drama, protocol all at once. This type of ladies over stress themselves just to be Noticed as if there would be a payment for it. They attend every church weddings, even if it means skipping work, always picked for brides maid. Men should be careful because this ladies live in their own world. 

5) The Super Gossip Women
There is a saying that "all women gossip" well let me rephrase "most women gossip". Even with this trait in them, some have exercised it to a point of 'No Return'. They can gossip all day with no regret and can not help it. They call it " Necessary Evil" 

6) The Nagging Woman
Just in relationships, some ladies can talk sleep out of you. You then imagine where you would run to if you eventually marry her. They are like 'talking machines' they would talk all day and not get tired and if you don't let them have their desires, sorry for your day with them because they will always find a way to bring back the topic.

7) The Too Dependent Woman
Their dependence on men has cost so many respect, self Esteem, position, etc. Yes men are to fend for the ladies(albeit there is no such law) but Some ladies are both mentally and physically lazy thus making them slaves and some using their body as leverage. You'll hear some say 'use what you have to Get what you want'. When this lazy women finally marry, they leave all responsibilities to the man and remain home to b called "house wife"

8) The Disrespectful Woman
If she seems to always be disrespectful and rude (even if it is to people she considers beneath her standards) then you need to think twice about marrying her. Respect for a fellow human being is a very important attribute in who we choose to spend the rest of our lives with so it is definitely not something that should be taken lightly.

9) The Selfish Woman
If you want a happy home and a partner that wants your happiness as well as hers, then you should stay clear of the selfish woman. A woman who is determined to make sure she always comes first would not be able to build a cheerful and loving home with you.

10) The Bitter Woman
You know that woman that always seems to be angry at men all the time? Perhaps she has had her heart broken one too many times, but this woman is always bashing on men and talking about how they are no-good or useless. A man might not want to settle down with someone so bitter as it is guaranteed that when the opportunity arises, she would hurl hurtful insults and intense, hateful words his way due to all her unresolved anger.

11) The Flirty Woman
Are you attracted to that woman that always seems to flirt with one person or another? She flirts like a butterfly from one man to another and makes all men feel like she is interested in them. Well, beware, because a habit like that might be hard to break after. marriage and you would not want to start hearing that your wife has had flirty conversations with all the men in the neighbourhood.

12) The Cook-less Woman
It's bad to hear that a woman can not cook, especially an African woman. Making your man not to look outside for satisfactory meals should be an attribute of almost all woman, but d reverse is the case. Some have adopted 'fries' and some cannot even make a bowl of pap(akamu) for their younger ones not to mention prepare soup. This ladies always loose their men to 'juck eating'. Men be careful.

13) The I-Keep-To-Myself Woman
These women are like a tank of grudges, they will Never say when you offend them or when you do what they don't like. They have trained themselves over the Years to swallow pains. It's better to have a lady that would burst always like a balloon than one that would burst occasionally but like a volcano. Men beware. 

14) The Bad Manager Woman
Welcome to the community of 'ori-wom-wom' as the igbos of Nigeria would call them. This ladies only think of their 'today' and forget 'tomorrow' all they are concerned with is their belly and Nothing more. Gluttony is one out of their many attributes and they always help to bring down a man wealth. 
written by Nzeh uche

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