Saturday 12 March 2016

How To Overcome The New Insurgency In Nigeria And The World

What constitutes a people lie in their commonly held values. The Nigerian peoples, Hausa, Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo, Ijaw, etc have core values and beliefs that keep them united as a people and Nigeria has imbibed these collectives of values cemented by Western Education that keep her going as a people.
Now what the invaders or conqueror s do is to violate these values to disunite the people before engaging them in a war. This is what Boko Haram and its affiliates are doing with Nigeria right now. Remember that the British Colonialists used it to success in conquering or pacifying the then thriving city states of old Nigeria at the turn of the century. Before then the Arabs used it to great effect on Northern Emirates and what did British use? A new religion, a new education, a new language, indeed new values.
The Arab invaders also used a new language Arabic, a new religion Islam and these translated to a new value system. Now Nigeria faces a new threat. Boko Haram, meaning Western Education is sacrilege. It says volumes about this new insurgency happening in modern times. The very cement of nationhood Western Education is to be violated by a determined group with international affiliates who believe that it was the British Colonialists that stopped them from totally colonizing Nigeria before 1900. So if western education is removed, then the likelihood that Nigeria would be reduced to its tribal parts is high and under this fluid situation the very binding values that keep each of the tribes together could then subsequently be attacked to create a mass of confused people ready to be pacified or conquered!!
So how to go about it in an environment of pervasive Western education and tools of communication. Simple. Just make these institutions, tools unworkable by exploiting its loopholes.
Indeed the social media has become a veritable tool since it could not be banned. Watchers of the social media report unprecedented influx of fake and duplicated profiles with half baked commentators. Their strategy is to violate our most cherished values and create disbelief, shock and frustration. They post  insane videos and graphic photos against all existing journalistic laws. For instance they bring you graphic video of beheading of human beings to create convulsion and fear. Some post snakes, graphic scenes of rituals. Others bring blue movies of incest and other abominable behaviours to tell you that it is possible and violate your inmost beliefs.
How to tackle these insurgents. When you see them avoid their company on social media and protect all those connected with you. You may wish to use any of the avenues open to you on social media. Retain your cherished values and refuse to allow those who could not obtain good western education or who had no home training dictate your lifestyle. Refuse to focus unduly on ‘mediocres’ whether they are elevated by our skewed political system or not for they have nothing better to give you than to take away the most cherished values that protect you as a person and as a people.
Written by Nwokedi Nworisara.

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