Wednesday 21 September 2016

OPINION: The bloody legacy of Usman Dan Fodio (part 2)

Editor’s note: In this new piece, a concluding
part of: The bloody legacy of Usman Dan
Fodio (part 1), Nigeria’s former minister of
aviation Femi Fani-Kayode writes on the
activities of colonial administrator Lord
Frederick Lugard and his wife Flora Shaw in
Fani-Kayode further delved deep into the
activities of the northern elders – from the
time of late Usman Dan Fodio to the current
administration led by President Muhamadu
Former minister Femi-Fani Kayode
Permit me to indulge in a quick aside and take
you into a brief journey of discovery into the
deep and devious mind of Lugard.
On September 8, 2015, in an essay titled ‘Lord
Lugard’s Magic and Flora Shaw’s Spell’ (New
Telegraph, Daily Post, Naij. com, Premium
Times, Pointblanknews) I wrote the following:
“In 1916, Lord Frederick John Dealtry Lugard,
the 1st Baron Lugard, the fourteenth Governor
of Hong Kong and the first Governor-General
of Nigeria, said the following:
“Lagos has for 20 years opposed every
Governor and has fomented strife and
bloodshed in the hinterland. I have spent the
best part of my life in Africa; my aim has been
the betterment of the natives for whom I have
been ready to give my life.
But after some 29 years, and after nearly 12
years as governor here, I am free to say that
the people of Lagos and indeed the westerners
are the lowest, the most seditious and disloyal,
the most purely prompted by self-seeking
money motives of any people I have met.”
As if that were not bad enough, two years
later, on September 25, 1918, in a letter to his
colleague Walter H. Lang, Lugard wrote the
“The Hausa-Fulani has no ideals, no ambitions
save such as sensual in character. He is a
fatalist, spendthrift and a gambler. He is
gravely immoral and is seriously diseased that
he is a menace to any community to which he
seeks to attach himself.”
Lugard didn’t stop there. In his book titled
‘The Dual Mandate’ (pg. 70) of 1926, he wrote
the following:
“In character and temperament, the typical
African of this race-type is a happy, thriftless,
excitable person. Lacking in self-control,
discipline and foresight.

Naturally courageous, and naturally courteous
and polite, full of personal vanity, with little
sense of veracity, fond of music and loving
weapons as an oriental loves jewelry.
His thoughts are concentrated on the events
and feelings of the moment, and he suffers
little from the apprehension for the future, or
grief for the past. His mind is far nearer to the
animal world than that of the European or
Asiatic, and exhibits something of the animals’
placidity and want of desire to rise beyond the
State he has reached.
Through the ages the African appears to have
evolved no organised religious creed, and
though some tribes appear to believe in a
deity, the religious sense seldom rises above
pantheistic animalism and seems more often
to take the form of a vague dread of the
He lacks the power of organization, and is
conspicuously deficient in the management
and control alike of men or business. He loves
the display of power, but fails to realize its
responsibility… he will work hard with a less
incentive than most races.
He has the courage of the fighting animal, an
instinct rather than a moral virtue… In brief,
the virtues and defects of this race-type are
those of attractive children, whose confidence
when it is won is given ungrudgingly as to an
older and wiser superior and without envy.
Perhaps the two traits which have impressed
me as those most characteristic of the African
native are his lack of apprehension and his
lack of ability to visualize the future.”

These were the views of the principal architect
and great grandfather of our modern nation-
state whose wife, Flora Shaw, gave us the
name ‘Nigeria’ . When translated from Latin
that name means “the area of darkness”.
To the both spouses we were nothing but that
darkness and a convenient commercial
venture which was to be milked dry for its
mineral resources.
That was the mindset of the man who
famously proclaimed that northern Nigeria was
the “ poor husband” whilst the south was the
“rich wife” and that “their marriage must last
The fact that that “rich southern wife” has
been held back, brutalized, traumatized,
cheated, robbed, raped and sodomized over
the last two hundred years by that “poor
northern husband” is of no issue to evil-
minded, greedy and calculating men like
Theirs is to keep our people in perpetual
bondage and to ensure that our internal
colonial masters continue to destroy our
destinies, smite our fortunes and blight our
And nothing seems to have changed. Two
hundred and twelve years after Dan Fodio’s
onslaught in what was to later become
northern Nigeria and fifty six years after his
great grandson, Sir Ahmadu Bello, the
erstwhile Saurdana of Sokoto and the man that
I have described as the ‘second Mahdi of
Nigeria’ , proclaimed that it was his intention
to “dip the Koran in the Atlantic ocean” and
thereby Islamise and conquer the people of the
south, their descendants are attempting to do
precisely the same thing under the leadership
of Muhammadu Buhari.
Chief Solomon Asemota SAN captured the
moment in a graphic and accurate manner in
an excellent essay part of which reads as
“Islamist Jihadists of the Hausa, Fulani and
Kanuri Ethnic Nationalities, who are Negroid
immigrants to Nigeria, are pushing the nation
to an implosion. It is therefore imperative that
the remaining 386 Ethnic Nationalities of
Nigeria should, as a matter of priority, convene
a Conference to demonstrate to the few
Islamist Jihadists of the three Ethnic
Nationalities the grave danger of Islamism as a
system of governance.
Nigerians are reminded that the present
distress in the nation is not an act of God but
man-made. The brazen and audacious
imposition of Islamist Jihadists into key
positions in the country is not an expression
of religious piety but a deliberate manipulation
of religion for cultural and political domination
by three Ethnic Groups.

This Agenda commenced in 1975 after the
overthrow of General Gowon. The Islamist
Jihadists are a violent and domineering strain
of Islam rejected by mainstream Muslims”-
On Line, 10th August 2016).
Asemota has put it very well. This is the
challenge that we face in Nigeria today. Buhari,
who I have described as the ‘third Mahdi of
Nigeria’ has perfected the script and he is
executing the master plan and the not-so-
hidden agenda with ruthless precision.
It is left for us to either continue to act as if
all is well and continue to wallow in our
ignorance, self-pity and shameful cowardice or
to stand up, step up to the plate, confront the
challenge, say it as it is, do what is necessary
and resist it with every fibre of our being.

Those that believe in the agenda of the three
Mahdi’s and that subscribe to their views are
nothing short of modern-day terrorists and
their intent is to kill, destroy, enslave and
We must never succumb to them. We must
resist their tyranny and oppression. We must
shed the toga of political correctness and
uproot them from our land.
We must remember who we are, where we
came from, what we stand for and refuse to
shy away from fighting for our rights.
The ‘gospel’ of Usman Dan Fodio and his
legacy of blood, compulsion, death and
destruction cannot be a lasting foundation for
any civilised modern-nation state and we
must rid ourselves of it. Such a foundation is
not of God and therefore it cannot endure.
We must repent and make reparations for the
oceans of innocent blood that was spilt in our
nation by Usman Dan Fodio and his
descendants over the last two hundred years
and we must appease the affected souls.
We must pray to the Lord God of Hosts and to
the God of Heaven for forgiveness for our
cowardice and complicity and we must
rededicate our nation to the Ancient of Days if
we want to break the spell, break the curse, rid
ourselves of the jinx and be free from His
Permit me to end this contribution with a word
for those that have chosen to support and
assist our collective oppressors and who
consistently defend and rationalise their
wickedness, tyranny and murderous ways.
I proclaim that the blood of all those that have
been slaughtered over the last two hundred
years in the name of ethnic domination,
conquest and jihad shall haunt you and yours
from generation to generation. The Prophet
Obadiah said,
“all your allies will turn against you. They will
help to chase you from your land. They will
promise you peace while plotting to deceive
and destroy you. Your trusted friends will set
traps for you, and you won’t even know about
it”-(Obadiah 1:7).
This shall be the portion of our collective
enemies and those that stand with them to
impose their faith, to terrorise our people, to
kill our loved ones, to enslave our children, to
take our land, to rubbish our heritage, to
destroy our future and to bury the gospel of
our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

by fani kayode


These are some of the names God answer. Just call these names,don't Stop

1. Wonderful
2. Counsellor
3. Prince of Peace
4. Eternal Rock of Ages
5. King of Glory
6. Mighty God
7. King of kings
8. Lord of lords
9. Lord of hosts
10. Lilly of the valley
11. Healer
12. Deliverer
13. Provider
14. Creator
15. Potter
16. Day Star
17. Cornerstone
18. Prophet of prophets
19. Saviour
21. Wisdom of God
22. Head of the church
23. Governor
24. Righteous Judge
25. Protector
26. Rock of offence
27. Shield
28. Merciful God
29. Gracious God
30.  Faithful God
31. Giver
32. Victorious in Holiness
33. Consuming Fire
34. El Elyon
35. Jehovah Raphael
36. Jehovah Rohi
37. Jehovah Jireh
38. Jehovah Elgibor
39. Jehovah Sham ah
40. Jehovah Shalom
41. El Olam
42. Defender
43. Redeemer
44. Comforter
45. Trinity in Council
46. Instructor
47. Teacher
48. Inspirer
49. Reminder
50. Invinsible God
51. Hope of Glory
52. Lion of Judah
53. Root of Jesse
54. Man of war
55. Lamb of God
56. Sustainer
57. Convincer
58. Light of the world
59. Restorer
60. Silencer
61. Stiller of storms
62. Proclaimer
63. Father of the fatherless
64. Husband of the widow
65. Smith of heaven
66. The Way
67. The Truth
68. The Life
69. Bread of life
70. Bread Winner
71. Champion of champions
72. Winner of winners
73. Composer
74. Author
75. Finisher
76. Glorious in Holiness
77. Fearful in praises
78. Sleepless God
79. Ancient of days
80. Ageless God
81. Eternal God
82. Excellent God
83. Powerful God
84. Leader of leaders
85. Chief Inventor
86. Convener
87. Compassionate God
88. Commander-in-Chief of heavenly host
89. Worthy King
90. Overseer
91. Moulder
92. Shaper
93. Breaker
94. Praiseworthy God
95. Helper
96. Richer than the richest
97. Older than the oldest
98. Trustworthy God
99. Arranger
100. Master Builder
101. Master Planner
102. Master Minder
103. Arrester
104. Relentless God
105. Voice of hope
106. Beautiful God
107. Alpha and Omega
108.Game Changer
109. Our Refuge
110. Our fortress
111. Our Buckler
112. Our Banner
113. Strong Tower
114. Unchanging changer
115. Rose of Sharon
116. All in All
117. Pillar of our lives
118. The First Born
119. Lamb that was slain
120. The Glory & lifter of our heads
121. The word of God
122. Our Advocate
123. Our High Priest
124. Bishop of our souls
125. High and Lofty one
126. Almighty
127. Our Best Friend
128. On time God
129  Lion of Judah
130  Omnipotent
131. Omnipresent
132  Omniscient
133. Consumming fire Adonai
134. The beginning &         the end
135   Living water
136   Unquenchable  fire
137. Awesome God
138  I salute your excellency Baba
139  Battle stopper
140  Unquestionable  God.
141 Jehova shikenu,
142 Mighty one in battle.
143 Glorious in Holiness,
144 Fearful in praises.
145 Mighty man of valour.
146 Miracle worker.
147 Rock of ages.
148 Merciful God
149 Advocate.
150 Always  doing wonders. 
151 Amen and Hallelujah.
152 Answer to prayers.
153 Intercessor.
154 Interceptor.
155 Balm of Gilead
There is no one like him. To Him Be The Glory Forever Amen
May God bless all those who will read these wonderful names of God to the end and share the blessings to others.

GIST : Why You Must Urinate After Sex

Care should be taken by each man in regards to
the general well-being. Why is tremendously
crucial that you be concerned about your sexual-
health in this short article we’ll describe.
it’s important to urinate after making love. It's
valuable for your body as well as you personally
because it makes it possible to fight with diseases
that could damage your physical well being.
You are aware that micro-organisms are
everywhere and since the anus is near to the
vagina, after sexual
activity may have an unpleasant effect, Following
the fact that during sexual intercourse, there are
germs and germs in rectum and the genitalia
There’s a chance those germs accumulate in the
urethra, which raise the danger of infection in the
bladder and to penetrate. Actually, it’s been
shown this is among the largest causes of
diseases in the urinary-tract in women.
Through the urethra, feminine ejaculation does not
occur besides that. That indicates the sole
approach to take out as well as remove particles
or those materials obtained during sexual activity
is through urination.
Due to this, after making love physicians say to
urinate within 4-5 minutes. Moreover, so that you
can safeguard from stds that could affect your
quality of life and these illnesses, you need to use
condoms. Keeping good personal cleanliness
before and after sexual activity is one other way
protect your health
and to avoid diseases in the urinary-tract.
That is especially essential for girls prone to
cystitis. They need to wash their area after sex
with somewhat neutral pH soap along with water.

Monday 19 September 2016

Governor Wike signs bill to extend tenure of LG officials to nine months into Law

Rivers State Governor, Nyesom Wike, has signed

into law two bills passed by the Rivers State

House of Assembly.

They are, the Rivers State Local Government

(amendment No.1) Law Number 5 of 2016 and the

Rivers State Administration of Criminal Justice No.

7 of 2015.

According to a statement issued by the Special

Assistant to the Governor on Media, Simeon

Nwakaud,u the Governor stated that the new Local

Government Law will give the state government

the leverage to extend the appointments of the

caretaker committees up to nine months.

Speaking at the event in Government House, Port

Harcourt, he said the extension of the tenure of

the caretaker committees is aimed at ensuring

stability in council administration.

Governor Wike said the criticism that the new law

gives some caretaker committee chairmen third

tenure is unfounded, adding that the caretaker

committees are not elected officials.

He said: “Instead of three months or six months,

this amended law allows the governor to appoint

caretaker committees for nine months.

“It is not meant to keep the caretaker committees

in perpetuity. Once we have elected councils, the

elected officials will stay for three years subject

and for a maximum of two terms.

“Those in the APC who are criticising this
amendment have forgotten so soon that they
passed laws in two minutes while they were at the
State Assembly. This amendment has been done
for the good governance of the state.”
Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly,
Dabotorudima Adams assured that the House will
continue to its duties for good perform
governance of the state.

Sunday 18 September 2016


It is no longer a news that financial noose has been tightened around the neck of Nigeria economy. Many have sad tales to tell. Jobs have been lost, contract opportunities had waned while free flow of cash is ceasing by the day. For the first time in Nigeria Industrial Unions are bargaining with their employer to reduce their take home pay as an alternative to reduction in the work force capacity. Prices of items in the market assumed ever increasing graphical curve. Job opportunities are reducing by the day notwithstanding the ever increasing universities graduates. Many vocations are being overtaken by technological advancement. More hands are becoming idle.

In a time like this there is the need for a CHANGE of attitudes and styles to avert being swept away by sudden economic tide. Below are suggested changes:

    1. If you are an applicant take the next available offered job even if it is below your dream job.
    2. Buy only items that are considered as necessities. Postpone all luxurious articles till later dates.
    3. Forget about living a life to satisfy others expectation at the expense of your purse, income or convenience.
    4. Avert taking unnecessary risk in your place of work or business that has the possibility of making you loose your job or major client.
    5. Be committed to your profession, Job or business more than ever before.
    6. Re-evaluate your recurrent expenditure pattern like children school fees and effect necessary changes if found beyond your income line.
    7. If you are blessed with many cars try and use those with less fuel consumption capacity. You may have to combine outings instead of members of the family taking different cars out for combinable outings.
    8. Except you can afford it, resist all aso ebi or color of clothes made mandatory by a person  inviting you to a ceremony. Nobody will prevent you from entering the venue even with odd dress.
    9. Avert social functions that will tell terribly on your finances in terms of distance and the content of the Programme. Why not just send 'envelope' to the organizer instead.
    10. Let those asking you for money know that things are no longer the same: Stop pretending at your expense. Stop suffering in silence. When the chips are down you will be alone.
    11. Notwithstanding any promise to the contrary, avoid lending money to anyone an amount which if you don't receive on time will hurt your financial stability. Many friendly loans will be irrecoverable now as many expectation will be dashed.
    12. If you are a tenant living in a rented palatial apartment with many rooms left unutilized, it is high time you get a smaller accommodation.
    13. Where the house is yours and most of your children are adult leaving you and your spouse in a big apartment with less than half of the house being utilized, quickly consider modifying the house into smaller units with the possibility of earning rental income.
    14. Plan only on funds at hand, avoid permutations based on promise made by others. In a time like this, the promisor may fail.
    15. Where it is possible talk things over on phone with people rather than putting your car on the road for physical meeting. In addition avoid endless fruitless banters on phone. Be conscious of the call card cost and data usage.
    16. If you have a large retinue of hangers ons around you reduce the frequencies of meals.
    17. Shut all lights that are not required in your house to minimize the energy bills.
    18. Do more physical exercise to minimize constant requirement of drugs. Learn to trek short distances, it help to improve your health and relive you of avoidable small expenses.
    19. If the regular food in your house is becoming dearer look for alternative. For instance yam is a substitute for bread in the morning.
    20. If you will bear heavy responsibility in an event, insist on moderate programne in line with the amount you could afford.

A word is enough for the wise.



��In 1985, Dasuki arrested Buhari.

��In 2016, Buhari arrested Dasuki.

��In 1995, Al Mustapha arrested Obasanjo on the order of General Abacha.

��In 1999, Obasanjo arrested Al Mustapha and he was jailed for 8 years.

��In 2005, Diego Simeone was under Fernando Torres. Torres was the Club Captain despite being far younger than Simeone; but He did what Torres ordered.

��In 2016, Diego Simeone is now Fernando Torres coach. Torres now takes orders from Simeone.

��In the 90's under Rawlings regime Dr. Spio Gabriel was the minister of communications and Mahama was his deputy.

��Today John Mahama is the President and has employed his former boss as minister.

��Life is like a COIN thrown up in the air. You can't really predict which side will turn up.


��That Person you Despised/Ridiculed/Treated like shits and act like GOD over today, may have control over your Life/Career or Save your head tomorrow. NO ONE KNOWS TOMORROW!.

��Treat everyone with respect and show some kindness because there will always be a tomorrow. Be good to all!

��A Boss today might become a Subordinate tomorrow bacause there's no parmanent state in life.


��Always stand for what is right, fair and just.
Like Mugabe said: "...treat the towel with care because the same place you used in cleaning your bottom today might be the same place you will use in cleaning your face tomorrow."